The Most Popular Diet in The World Will Help You Lose 4 kg. In Only 2 Days! “48 Hours”

When you go through a body cleansing phase, the things you eat or drink should help you eliminate toxins but also supply your body with liquids.
This diet should be practiced through the weekend.
Due to the presence of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, eating tomatoes is a must, as well as other vegetables such as beans because the inner temperature of the body is higher and you’ll activate the cleansing process.
Syrup for weight loss
You need to drink it before bedtime
300 ml. water

2 spoons of lemon juice
1 spoon of maple syrup
1 teaspoon of chili pepper
1 teaspoon of ginger
Blend all the ingredients and it’s ready.
Juice for metabolism activation
Drink it every day before breakfast
6 spoons lemon juice
2 tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
500 ml. water
6 ice cubes
Mix the ingredients in a blender for 1 minute on max speed.
During the next two days, drink sugarless green tea as much as you can instead of water.


Fresh fruit juices are a perfect way to provide numerous nutrients needed by the body and to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Yet, you should make sure you do not consume too much fresh fruit juices, as they have sugar.
In order to lose excess weight, you should consume 500 calories less during the day.
The following fresh juices will be a perfect alternative for one meal during the day.
Prepare these the following juices and add ice in a 2:1 ratio.
Best fruit juices:

  • Cranberry, prune, and grape
  • Pear and apple
  • Watermelon and apple
  • Orange and grapefruit
  • Apple, pineapple, and pear
The following green combinations are extremely delicious and nutritious:
  • Cucumber, parsley, celery, and ginger
  • Celery, tomato, dill, and spinach
  • Spinach, ginger, cayenne, tomato, garlic
  • Lemon, dill, cabbage, spinach
  • Celery, garlic, sweet basil, kale, tomato
These are the best combination fruit juices:
  • Green apple, kale, mint, cucumber, strawberry
  • Blueberry, cucumber, cabbage, mint, raspberry
  • Watermelon, pineapple, mango, and orange bell pepper
  • Pineapple, spinach, watermelon, cayenne, orange
  • Orange, ginger, lime and lemon
The combinations of vegetables and fruit juices are extremely useful as they are high in nutrients and thus provide amazing health benefits. For example, parsley acts as a mild diuretic, while cucumber effectively detoxifies the body.
Furthermore, watermelon contains alkaline fluid which neutralizes acids and detoxifies the kidneys. Thus, in order to do a total body cleanse, you can prepare a juice of parsley, cucumber, watermelon, and ginger.
Moreover, the consumption of fresh juices is beneficial for weight loss, as they help you consume less food and calories, abut still provide the necessary nutrients for the body.
On the other hand, bottled juices contain fewer nutrients due to the process of pasteurization, done to prolong their shelf life, and are high in flavors and sugar. Therefore, you should prepare your own fresh juices at home and preserve the nutrients.

How To Remove All Toxins From Your Body In 3 Days

How To Remove All Toxins From Your Body In 3 Days

The right time to cleanse and detox your body is when you start to feel too tired or sluggish.
Things that can build-up in your body over some period of time and lower your energy as well as leave you with frequent bouts of illness are: poor diet, stress and enviromental pollutants. The toxins that build-up in your organisam can even lead to inflammaton and obesity.
In order to get your body into optimal shape, you should do a full body detox to clear your digestive tract and lymph nodes and you should do this every year or so.
Before The Cleanse…
Stop consuming dairy products several days before cleansing the body since they contain unwanted antibiotics and hormones, and are slowly digested.
A popular artificial growth hormone that increases milk production is known as recombinant bovine somatotropin. Eventhough it is illegal in Canada and many European countries, it’s commonly used in the USA.
Cut Back On Meat
During the cleanse, to reduce consumption of meat , fish and poultry, or to completely restric it, seems like a great idea.
According to some researchers, eating 2 ounces of chicken per day which is the equivalent of a third to a half of a boneless breast- exposis a consumer to 3 to 5 micrograms of inorganic arsenic, the element’s most toxic form.
Bladder, skin and respiratory cancers have been associated with daily exposure to lower levels of arsenic.
Dioxin is a highly cancerogenic compound which is contained in dairy, fish and meat. It can cause damage to the immune system, reproductive and developmental problems, and can interfere with hormones.
The reason why nearly 95% of your dioxine exposure comes in the concentrated form of  fish, meat and diary products is because the animals have built- up dioxine in their bodies through environmental exposure and contamination of their feed, so when you eat those products, dioxine absorbes in your own body.
To give your body a fresh start, the night before your cleanse, drink a cup of herbal laxatives in order to flush out your intestines.
Throughout your cleanse, make sure not to use any processed foods, meat, sugar, fish or any kind of diary products.
Daily Routine…
  1. Drink two glasses of water with the juice of a whole lemon in each on an empty stomach.
This drink will help your body to digest breakfast and detox your liver.
  1. Along with your meal, drink one cup and a half of pineapple juice.
Pineapple contains protein-digesting enzymes, called as a group Bromelain, which helps break down proteins in order to help your body digest and better utilize collagen and protein.
It also helps in decreasing inflammation of the collon and in fighting cancer.
  1. Drink 1 to 1.5 glasses of carrot juice (smoothie) between breakfast and lunch. 
Falcarinol is a cancer-fighting  compound contained in the carrot.
The fiber in raw carrots not only helps the body to get rid of excess estrogen and other hormones, but it also contains high levels of vitamin A, which will work to form and maintain healthy mucus membranes in your digestive tract.
  1. Next thing you should do is to blend carrots, celery, spinach and parsley and take 1.5 cups of this potassium-rich juice with your lunch.
Potassium helps muscles and nerves to communicate as well as it helps the nutrients to move into cells and waste products out of cells in which way it helps to detoxify and nourish your body.
The mineral also helps to offset some of sodium’s harmful effects on blood presure.
High levels of manganese are also present in this drink which helps the body form connective tissue, blood clotting factors, bones and sex hormones.
It also can help with calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation and in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
For an equally potassium-filled beverage, you can combine 1.5 cup of noni juice with a cup of water, if you don’t have time.
  1. Drink one cup of tummy-soothing tea made of equal parts of rose hips, ginger and peppermint, about an hour before dinner. 
In order to boost your immune system, use rose hips since they contain high levels of vitamin C, but they can be also used to prevent osteoarthritis. 
An effective alternative to drugs like Buscopan used for reducing colonic spasms, is peppermint.
Peppermint can be also useful to enhance gastric emptying in people with functional gastrointestinal disorders. Stress and pain can be also relieved by this herb.
To promote blood flow to the digestive tract, prevent nausea and to help digestion, use ginger.
  1. Before going to bed, drink 340ml of pure cranberry juice.
E coli is a bacteria which causes an infection in the urinary tract, so the components found in cranberry juice can prevent this kind of bacteria.
H.pylori is a different bacteria that lives in the stomach and causes ulcers, but fortunately, there are some preliminary evidences that cranberry may reduce its ability to cause this kind of health problems.
To clear toxins throughout your whole body, you should repeat this process for three consecutive days. During your cleansing process, make sure to keep a clean diet and take the time to relax and let go of negative emotions and thoughts to cleanse your mind too.

Remove your underarm hairs in just a few minutes

Does your underarm hair grow faster or you find some difficulties to remove them!?
Here are some home methods to remove underarm hair without going to the salon or going through the painful process of waxing.
These home treatments will help you remove the unwanted hair quickly and leave your skin smooth.
This sugar-based waxing method is simple and effective.
Mix  2 tbsp. lemon juice with 1 tbsp. sugar and make a paste.

Apply this mixture on your armpit and leave to act for a few minutes.
Remove with a clean cloth. Repeat this treatment twice a week. Y
our underarm hair will recede each time you use the treatment.
Mix 1 egg with ½ tbsp. corn flour and make a paste.
Apply this mixture on your armpit and leave until it dries, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Mix 1 tbsp. turmeric powder with 2 tbsp. milk and make a paste.
Apply this mixture on your armpit, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Homemade isotonic water

Homemade isotonic water

The easiest way for replacement of lost minerals and fluids are isotonic solutions .
When performing shorter physical activity it is enough to be hydrated with water, but when playing sports for more than 60 minutes, when the conditions are tougher, and the higher temperature is higher, it is recommended to make up for the lost electrolytes.
Simple sugars that are  part of our isotonic  recipe are  honey, dextrose,that  easily dissolve in body fluids and supplement the lost energy.
Citrus fruit again is excellent vitamin support trough these isotonics, and improves the taste and adds freshness to the drink.
What we can conclude is that Isotonics are used  to maintain the required level of power, water and recover the body from the loss of minerals during demanding exercises. It is advised to drink the drink in a equally divided portions every 15 minutes during the training session.

Ingredients :

500ml Water
4-5 tablespoons of natural honey
1/2 lemon juice
1/4 spoon salt

The ingredients are mixed and the solution is ready – your isotonic drink.

Even the Nutritionists Recommend This Recipe: Drink 1 Cup of This Miraculous Drink Every Morning and Your Belly Fat Will Start to Disappear!

Well, the medical experts say that the “main suspect” for that excess fat around the abdominal are lazy intestines or the so-called Lazy Bowel syndrome. Well, this stops or slows down the fat burning process and slows down the elimination of harmful toxins from our body.

But, fortunately, nutritionists claim that there is answer for this problem and it’s very simple. The answer is in this homemade drink, which you should drink it as a substitute for breakfast, and it’s very simple and easy to make.


Here’s what you need to do. You need to put 6 prunes into a bowl and pour 100 ml of boiled water over it, every night. Then you should cover it and leave it 10 minutes to rest.
In the same time in other bowl you need to put 2 tbs. of oats, 1 tsp. of grinded flax-seed and 1 tsp. of cocoa.
Pour 300 ml of kefir into that mixture and stir well. Now, you need to chop the prunes really good and add them in the same mixture, and then mix again. When you are done, you need to put this drink in the refrigerator and let it sit overnight and drink it first thing in the morning on empty stomach.
After one month of drinking this homemade drink, you will lose 3 to 5 kg, especially from the belly area.
You will lose weight and you will also get other health benefits as well – your tan will be much better, and your hair and hails will get stronger.

Natural Recipe Against Cancer Which Have Cured Thousands Of People

In this article you will learn about a recipe for a full natural remedy that has been proven to be very efficient in the treatment of many diseases such as cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I cured thousands of people. It is a mixture for heal the whole body, and cancer retreats immediately from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.

Natural Recipe Against Cancer Which Have Cured Thousands Of People

This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours
The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.

Thinner In 3 Weeks: You May Have 3kg Of Toxins In Your Intestines. It’s Time To Clean It

If you want to prevent many diseases and other parasites detoxing the intestines, fecal deposits is the best way to achieve it.
Studies have shown that in just 70 years, 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of liquid pass through our intestines, and that means our stomach is filled up with 15 kg of fecal layers and toxic waste. These toxins can affect a lot of damage to the body and poison the blood.
Another disease that can also occur due to the toxins in our body are arthritis, cancer, poor skin, hair and nail conditions, and loss of hearing or eye sight. The toxins in our intestines create a build-up which leads to constipation, an impaired metabolism, diabetes, weight gain or weight loss, kidney disease and liver diseases.
With the help of a cleansing enema you can relive only a small part of the large intestine, 40-50cm, and treatment of intestinal cleansing using special equipment is very expensive, protracted and unsafe for the intestinal micro flora.
You can completely clean the intestines from mucus, fecal deposits and parasites, while fully preserving the intestinal micro flora by eating one to three tablespoons of flour with flaxseed, during a period of three weeks.
Here’s the remedy that will help you if you have gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and duodenum ulcers, urinary tract diseases, cystitis, pyelonephritis, weight gain and an impaired metabolism. You should consume this mixture for three weeks, instead of breakfast.

First week:

1 Tablespoon flaxseed with 100ml kefir

Second week:

2 Tablespoons flaxseed flour with 100ml kefir

Third week:

3 Tablespoons flaxseed flour with 150ml kefir
If you can’t find flaxseed flour, you can always buy flaxseed and just grind it finely. But you should not make reserves for extra days; make a fresh serving each morning.
You should also make sure that you stay hydrated and drink 2-3l of water daily.
You can perform this type of intestinal cleansing only once a year!

Consume Only One Cup Daily: If You Consume This Drink You Will Forget About Heart Diseases And Heart Attack!

This tea comes out from the inside of the nut and acts against the clogging of coronary arteries and heart diseases. The cramping of the coronary arteries often is happening as result of the chronic nicotine poisoning and consuming fatty foods.

This awesome cure, which is recommended especially to smokers is located into the ordinary nut, precisely in the compartments located between the kernels. From these compartments you can make tea:
In the night, dip compartments from 4-5 nuts in water and in the morning boil them as tea. Drink the tea on empty stomach. Consume the tea every morning because it will provide you excellent circulation, regulation to your blood pressure and will relieve the pain in your chest.
It can be used against fiver that is usually related with heart diseases.
You will star feeling better after the first cup actually. If your pains are permanent, you need to consume this tea until the pains in the chest and the fiver are gone. But, still consult with doctor about your health problems.

Natural Way To Flush The Nicotine Out Of Your Body

Smoking a cigarette is releasing nicotine in your bloodstream which is pleasurable for the smoker. But it takes 6-8 hours for that nicotine to leave your body, which most of it is releasing when you’re urinating. For the nicotine stored in your body, it takes 48-72 h and 20-30 days for the nicotine’s by-product cotinine to leave your body.

If you eat more fruit and vegetables, rich with vitamin C, it will boost your metabolism, and the nicotine will be removed from your bloodstream faster.
The reasons why people who ate more vegetables and fruit were having easier time in quitting cigarettes are the these:
-vegetables and fruits are making people to feel sated, because smokers occasionally confuse hunger with cigarette craving;
-lowered nicotine dependence;
-fruit and vegetables could make the taste of tobacco repulsive, unlike alcohol, coffee or meat;
-healthier lifestyle has a better chance at making smokers to give up their smoking.
Food and drinks vs. Nicotine
1. Water is hydrating the body and the nicotine it’s making it dehydrated.Water is helping in sweating out the nicotine from your system.
2. Vegetables, such as beans, egg-plants, cucumbers and celery influence cigarette taste. They are decreasing  the nicotine dependence. However, you shouldn’t consume too much sweet vegetables because their sugar level is high and that could disturb the balance in the brain pleasure areas, and it will increase the desire for smoking.
3. Nettle has a high concentration of iron, great for combating infection.
4. Kiwi is cleaning the nicotine from your body. Vitamin A, C and E are reduced with smoking, but eating kiwi will restore them.
5. Pine needle tea can help with lung health.
6. Orange has high level of vitamin C. The smoking is reducing the vitamin C from your body, but eating orange will replace the loss in your body. Also it’s reducing the  stress and it boost your metabolism, enabling faster nicotine removal.
7. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins and folic acid which is excellent for your body as well as making tobacco taste repulsive.
8. Broccoli has high amount of vitamin B5 and C. Consuming broccoli will replace the lost vitamin C and also will protect your lungs from toxin damage.
9. Carrot juice helps with removing the nicotine from your body, by having high levels of vitamin A, B, C and K. Because nicotine damages your skin, carrot juice will help for your skin’s health.
This is the first step in your detoxification process. If you star with juicing, do not jump right into a juice fast right away. For the starts you can just try 1 juice per day along with the rest of your nutrition and see how your body will respond. If your body is responding well to juicing, then ramp up the number of juices per day. After time you will replace your coffee in the morning or the soda in the afternoon with these healthy, nutrient-dense juices.


Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.
Common arthritis joint symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go. They can be mild, moderate or severe. They may stay about the same for years, but may progress or get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climb stairs. Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. These changes may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can only be seen on X-ray. Some types of arthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.
Fortunately, there is a natural solution to this problem and we are going ot present you a few remedies that will help you get rid of pain once and for all. Even doctors are amazed of this extremely effective remedies:
Cucumber Juice:
First, squeeze 150 grams of cucumber. Then, mix the cucumber juice with 1 glass of water, and add 75 grams of turmeric powder. Drink this beverage on a daily basis before having lunch in order to use all of its properties.
Parsley Drink:
Prepare a mixture with one liter of boiling water and a fistful of washed water, and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Once cooled, drink a small glass of it before each meal.
  1. Turmeric
In a glass of milk, add a small spoonful of ground turmeric (you can also add a little of honey to improve its flavor). Mix the ingredients well and take this solution 3 times per week in order to relieve the symptoms.
  1. Millenial Cream:
Take a look at a herbalist’s store for a plant called “millennial flame”, and mix approximately 20 grams with 20 grams of Vaseline, so that they can homogenize well. Put some of the cream on  the affected area before sleeping.
Now when you know how to prepare these natural solutions, drink on daily basis and you will get rid of pain once and for all.

Consult with your doctor before use!

Home remedies for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a common, yet serious, condition that if not treated properly can lead to kidney failure, a heart attack or a stroke. In general, anything above 140/90 Hg is considered high (Your age and gender will play a role in determining your Hg level and thus what is considered high for you).
Some of the common reasons for high blood pressure are genetics, excessive alcohol consumption, a high intake of salt, a lack of physical activity, stress, obesity, frequent use of pain relievers, birth control pills, and adrenal or kidney disease.
This condition is usually treated with medications, but there are also many effective natural treatments that can give amazing results. Below are some of the most common ways to naturally treat high blood pressure.


Lemons contain an extremely high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants to help neutralize the negative effects of free radicals in the body. Also, lemons have the ability to keep blood vessels soft and pliable. Maintaining soft and pliable blood vessels helps reduce high blood pressure. Consuming lemon juice regularly can help control your high blood pressure.
One way to consume lemons regularly is to add it to your water. Maintaining proper hydration is another important aspect to your health and by adding lemon juice to your water throughout the day can help keep you hydrated and help control your high blood pressure. This also comes with an added taste benefit to your water!

Watermelon seeds

The seeds from watermelon contain cucurbocitrin; a compound that helps widen the blood capillaries and improve kidney function. A recent study identified watermelon seeds as one of the most effective remedies for treating high blood pressure, due to their vasodilatory properties.
The most effective way to get the benefits from watermelon seed is to dry and crush the seed. When crushed you can add the powder to just about anything to get the health benefits. Adding the powder to a glass of water, fresh juice, or even your tea makes for an easy and effective way to consume watermelon seeds.


Garlic has many health benefits, one being that it can help reduce high blood pressure. Despite this, it also reduces the bad cholesterol levels. Garlic helps control high blood pressure by stimulating the production of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide. This in turn helps relax blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure. The nice thing about garlic is you can consume it raw or cooked and still get the same health benefits.
One way to consume garlic is to consume 2 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. This not only will help control high blood pressure, but offers numerous other health benefits too. However, if you are unable to consume two cloves at once, on an empty stomach, then you can simply add garlic to your meals throughout the day. One quick note, you receive the best benefit from the garlic when you crush it before consumption.


Bananas have a high content of potassium that reduces the effect of sodium on the body. Many people that suffer from high blood pressure eat bananas on a regular basis in order to control it.


In order to treat high blood pressure naturally you can rely on celery as well. Celery contains significant amounts of phytochemical 3-N-butylphthalide, which effectively lowers high blood pressure. It relaxes the muscles in your arteries creating more space to help with blood flow.
Moreover, it naturally reduces stress. Stress is a key factor in causing high blood pressure.
In order to maintain good blood pressure you should consider eating at least one stalk of celery per day.

Coconut water

When you have high blood pressure, it is very important that you keep your body hydrated. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink 64 ounces of water per day.
Coconut water is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, which all help lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is very useful for people suffering from high blood pressure.
These are only some of the natural remedies that you can use to help lower your blood pressure. Maintaining proper blood pressure is important to your health. Everyone has times when there blood pressure spikes, but making sure you monitor it and control it is vital to your health. Also, these health tips are ones that everyone, even if you don’t currently have high blood pressure, can and should incorporate into their daily lives. These tips not only help control high blood pressure, but can help prevent it as well!