Natural Way To Flush The Nicotine Out Of Your Body

Smoking a cigarette is releasing nicotine in your bloodstream which is pleasurable for the smoker. But it takes 6-8 hours for that nicotine to leave your body, which most of it is releasing when you’re urinating. For the nicotine stored in your body, it takes 48-72 h and 20-30 days for the nicotine’s by-product cotinine to leave your body.

If you eat more fruit and vegetables, rich with vitamin C, it will boost your metabolism, and the nicotine will be removed from your bloodstream faster.
The reasons why people who ate more vegetables and fruit were having easier time in quitting cigarettes are the these:
-vegetables and fruits are making people to feel sated, because smokers occasionally confuse hunger with cigarette craving;
-lowered nicotine dependence;
-fruit and vegetables could make the taste of tobacco repulsive, unlike alcohol, coffee or meat;
-healthier lifestyle has a better chance at making smokers to give up their smoking.
Food and drinks vs. Nicotine
1. Water is hydrating the body and the nicotine it’s making it dehydrated.Water is helping in sweating out the nicotine from your system.
2. Vegetables, such as beans, egg-plants, cucumbers and celery influence cigarette taste. They are decreasing  the nicotine dependence. However, you shouldn’t consume too much sweet vegetables because their sugar level is high and that could disturb the balance in the brain pleasure areas, and it will increase the desire for smoking.
3. Nettle has a high concentration of iron, great for combating infection.
4. Kiwi is cleaning the nicotine from your body. Vitamin A, C and E are reduced with smoking, but eating kiwi will restore them.
5. Pine needle tea can help with lung health.
6. Orange has high level of vitamin C. The smoking is reducing the vitamin C from your body, but eating orange will replace the loss in your body. Also it’s reducing the  stress and it boost your metabolism, enabling faster nicotine removal.
7. Spinach has an abundance of vitamins and folic acid which is excellent for your body as well as making tobacco taste repulsive.
8. Broccoli has high amount of vitamin B5 and C. Consuming broccoli will replace the lost vitamin C and also will protect your lungs from toxin damage.
9. Carrot juice helps with removing the nicotine from your body, by having high levels of vitamin A, B, C and K. Because nicotine damages your skin, carrot juice will help for your skin’s health.
This is the first step in your detoxification process. If you star with juicing, do not jump right into a juice fast right away. For the starts you can just try 1 juice per day along with the rest of your nutrition and see how your body will respond. If your body is responding well to juicing, then ramp up the number of juices per day. After time you will replace your coffee in the morning or the soda in the afternoon with these healthy, nutrient-dense juices.

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