This guy from Austria named Ruolf Brojs dedicated his whole life in order to find the best natural cure for cancer. Thus, he made a special juice which provides amazing results. He succeeded to cure more than 45,000 cancer patients with it as well as patients with other incurable diseases.

According to him, the cancer cells are able to survive with the help of proteins. He developed a special fast for a period of 42 days. During this period, the patient has to drink only tea and consume the special vegetable juice. The main ingredient is beetroot. During this period, the cancer cells will starve and die, and the health of the whole body will improve.

The juice is made from ecologically grown vegetables and can be made at home with home grown vegetables. It consists of:
  • Beetroot 55%;
  • Carrots 20%;
  • Celery root 20%;
  • Potatoes 3%;
  • Radishes 2%.
NOTE: the patient should not exaggerate with the juice as this is how much the organism needs.
Beetroot It is a traditional and well-known cure for leukemia and it contains acid betaine that provides anti-cancer properties. The therapy involves daily intake of beetroot juice to provide positive effects on leukemia and other types of cancer.
Regular consumption of this plant helps in the fight against diseases that are caused by oxidative stress. The fiber in beetroot is able to lower blood cholesterol levels up to 40%. This plant is able to normalize the blood pressure and maintain the elasticity of the blood vessels. It also helps in treating varicose veins if consumed each day. It is packed with iron and it helps in cleaning the body of toxins and blood building. The plant is great in treating diseases caused by toxins as well.
Pregnant women should consume beetroot as it is high in folic acid and prevents diseases of the newborns. The plant also stimulates the liver and gallbladder and also prevents constipation. When combined with carrots, beetroot is a great cure for gout, kidneys, and gallbladder. Beetroot helps in curing headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone pain, skin, and menstrual issues.

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